Myofacial Release

What is Myofascia?

Myofascia is the tissue that surrounds and covers all your muscles and bones. An example of fascia that many people are familiar with is the opaque film that you can see on a raw chicken breast, just beneath the skin.

Under a microscope Myofascia resembles a spider web or fish net. It runs from the top of your head down to the bottom of your feet. It is continuous and has no beginning or end and can be found almost everywhere in your body.

Like yarn in a sweater the entire body is connected to every other part of the body by the fascia. And like a pull in a sweater, damage to an area of Myofascia can effect  distant areas in your body even years later.

How does treatment work?

Using a very light pressure, tissues are gently tested for mobility in several directions. Once the directions of least restriction are found, the tissues are held there and allowed to relax. As in the sweater example above, the tissue is “unhooked” in the same way you would gently unhook a snag in a sweater.

People often report a sense of warmth, tingling and deep relaxation. Because of the continuous nature of fascia, these sensations can be experienced in multiple areas of the body and not just at the treatment site.

How many treatments will I need?

Treatment varies widely between individuals. A general rule of thumb is that the longer you have had an injury or the more complex it is, the more sessions required.  You will be continually reassessed  for progress toward your treatment goal and treatment will be modified in consultation with you.

How much does a session cost?

There is no additional fee for myofascial treatment at Alternative Physio and it can easily be incorporated with traditional physiotherapy techniques.

Things that can cause this once flexible tissue (Myofascia) to become too tight are:

• Inflammation

• Traumas, such as a fall or car accident

• Work injuries

• Poor posture

• Lack of stretching such as prolonged sitting or standing

• Emotional/psychological stress

• Repetitive motions, such as factory work or keyboarding

The benefits of using Myofascial Release therapy include:

• Reduction in muscle spasms

• Improved joint movement

• Decreased muscle and fascial tension

• Improved breathing

• Reduction in chronic recurring injuries

What conditions does MFR treat?

• Low back pain

• Headaches

• Neck stiffness

• Shoulder injuries

• Sprains and strains

• Tendonitis

• Arthritic conditions

• Sports injuries

Plus many more…..


Contraindications for myofascial release are malignancy, aneurysm, and acute rheumatoid arthritis . Please inform your therapist if you have any of these conditions.