What comes next?

This has been the question I’ve been asking myself daily, sometimes multiple times a day. I’m sure you’ve been wondering too.

I hope you are well. I hope you are finding your way through this wild and bumpy ride. I hope you are finding your equilibrium more often than not. Things are strange and I think we are all cycling through feeling tired, anxious, feeling productive – and then not. I know I cycle through these feelings (and more) on a regular basis.

I’ve sat down to write to you many times over the past weeks only to have some new information come to light that makes my comments out of date. The future is hard to discern but it’s there waiting for us.

Here is what I know:

  1. I will be re-opening.
  2. I will be operating from Vitality Wellness Centre in Newmarket.
  3. Your health and wellbeing is important to me!

Let me tell you a little more….
I hope to be open in July in a very limited way. That is currently my target date but factors like PPE availability, infection statistics, facility management, and government & regulatory bodies are all part of the equation. I will re-open gradually when the time comes.

You will love the array of services at Vitality Wellness Centre! We are all holistically minded and share a passion for alternative therapies. You will find lymph drainage, cranial sacral therapy, acupuncture, osteopathy, massage, chiropractic, and natural medicine in one place. There is also a direct billing option available. Vitality uses JANE, the same online booking system as I do so there is no new learning curve!

There will be some changes. The most obvious will be the use of PPE. Clients will be required to wear a mask. Therapists will wear a full face shield, mask, and possibly other protective gear to ensure that everyone remains safe. Naturally, hand sanitizing and health screening will happen at every session. I have always sanitized the table and the space we work in and that will continue.

Fees will change. I’ve been under-priced for several years and I’ve been able to do that by keeping my overhead low. Going forward into a commercial space I’ll be adopting the Physiotherapy Fee Guideline established by the Ontario Physiotherapy Association.

New Rates:
60-minute initial visit (please complete intake form before arrival) $110
60-minute manual therapy session $110
45-minute manual therapy session $85
30-minute manual therapy session (suggested for children’s visits or single area treatment) $75

Typical sessions focus on hands-on treatment techniques. Acupuncture, electrotherapy(IFC), and ultrasound treatments are available to add to your session if you wish, at no additional charge, provided they occur within the time slot you have booked.

Please refer to www.vitalitywellnesscentre.ca for their cancellation policy.

We miss you! And I’ll be here for you when we can safely resume.

Don’t forget, I’m still here if you have questions or concerns text or call me at 416-254-6420

Anita (& Lily)